Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

Hey bloggers! We're back once again and today we will be comparing two different types of movies. One short and one full length. In this blog Le jetee will be the short film and 12 monkeys will be the full length movie. After taking my time and watching both films I was able to analyze specific information that sticked out to me. My takeaway about these two films is that both movies tell their stories in a way that jumps between the past, present, and future which made me more invested in both movies. It explores different ideas like memory, time, and the perspective of reality. These techniques that was presented in the film can assist me in my future short film by incorporating time jumps to catch the audiences attention and keep them on their toes. Another key point that I realized is that in the short film it uses only still photos to tell a story which differentiates from other short films. On the other hand the full length movie creates a futuristic vibe that matches the theme of survival. I can include this in my short film by putting still images and unique lighting to create a mood to our short film. Both films show how you don't need a large budget to make a movie, just creativity in how the story is being told and catching the audiences attention. Furthermore, I then read an article on both films and wanted to share the takeaway I learned after reading the article. First off, Le jetee (short film) tells its story only in black and white using still photos which shows that a strong film could be created without needing any type of movement. The story focus's on how memories shape who we are. It also provides a theme that even the smallest moments can be a huge impact to the film. Moreover, 12 monkeys (full length) takes the idea from the short film and adds more detail which includes more action into it. These techniques that was provided by the article can further help me in my short film by adding still and bold images to create a tone. I also learned that I don't need a huge budget to create this film like I stated before even the smallest moments can be a huge impact.  Throughout my short film journey I will need to work on and brainstorm on how to make my film meaningful and memorable which I will learn after more examples that I will watch in the future. This wraps up my blog, thank you for taking your time to read my blog. See y'all next time!


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