Intro Blog

Hello everyone, I'm back once again and Im extremely excited to begin my journey in A level. For those that don't know me, my name is Nicholas Zilbersztajen and I'm a junior in Fort Lauderdale High school. I consider myself to be very optimistic, social, and energetic, besides many other qualities. Being active is something I particularly acknowledge when it comes to soccer as it is my favorite sport. I am a highly curious person, which is a quality that everyone has said about me. I constantly enjoy learning new things and expanding my knowledge. Moving on, this year I will begin a different task than last year. Last year as you may remember me and my group members had to complete a beginning to a movie, however this year will not only just be a beginning but a beginning, middle, and end. Im extremely eager to work on this project as it should be really fun. I've decided to work with a group for this project aswell. Nevertheless, I'm committed to making an excellent video and I'll do so by using the lessons I've learned from the past. I'm a really dedicated person, and I try my hardest to complete every assignment. Since I genuinely enjoy watching movies, making this new final task should go without any problems hopefully. I've already   made part of a movie before, so knowning certain abilities will assist in creating spectacular movie. Working on this type of task last year was extremely and I learned so much through the process. This year I'm looking forward in making an even better job. I want to use all my skills and abilities that I gained last year and implement it to this project.  Im hoping that I'll pick up some new skills that will help me with any assignments in the future. Im looking forward into following all the steps neccessary and creating an exceptional project. Im glad to be back!


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