Production Blog: Editing

Hey bloggers welcome back. Today I will be working looking for any other extra edits I could make with the opening sequence. I will be going over what we have right now and see if I can notice any other flaws. It was somewhat difficult to notice anything due to the amount of editing we have done already. But I knew there was something missing so I watched each scene over and over again. One thing I thankfully noticed was how all the text was in the same spot. So I changed the positioning of each title to different corners. I also kept in mind to not blend it with anything from the background so I made sure I played the scene again. Every title was clear to read and it wasn't in the same spot ever scene. Next up I tried adding some transitions with the titles. For example I tried adding like a slide in transition and a slide out transtition to make it look smoother. Obviously I didn't use the same transitions for all of them. Once I added a transition for each one I watched the opening sequence again and made sure it looked good and transitioned smoothly throughout the scenes. Gladly it worked out and it looked better than before. I was a little bored and I wanted to see if I can the opening sequence even better than it already is. What I did was try and add some sound effects to the titles. So I did that for each one. Worst idea I could ever come up with. It ended up interfering with the music we had put in and it would also mess up the dialogue. So I removed it and just left it how it is. I watched the opening sequence one last time just to make sure I made all the edits needed. Everything was good and I made all the edits neccessary. Thank you bloggers for reading and have a wonderful day!


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