Production Blog: Still Making a Few Edits

 Hey bloggers! As you all may know we are so close in finishing our opening sequence. We having completed both of filming sessions which went really well. We then went over it and put the scenes together. After that I got one of my friends to peer review and give me his feedback. With his feedback me and my group went a tweaked the opening sequence and fixed certain flaws. I also went on myself to take a look and see what I can notice that could be fixed. I ended up noticing certain mistakes and made improvements on them. I know last blog I said that there is no more flaws but I decided to look over it today and check it out. I tried to focus more on the pace of each scene and see some things I could cut out. One of the scenes that I noticed was too long was the very first two scenes. The first scene was when Joao was getting up and answering the phone. I cut out the part where he was getting out of the bed because that was unnecessary. I cut the scene when he put the phone died and then transitioned to getting ready. The only problem with this was that it created the opening sequence to be too short that what it was required to be. So I went on to another scene that I thought was cut short a little and it could be a couple of seconds longer. So I went on and I made it 3 seconds longer. With that change I looked at the title to see if it messed up any transitions. Thankfully it didn't and all the titles were perfect. Well bloggers this concludes this blog, Im glad I looked over it and was able to remove some unneccesary scenes. Thank you bloggers and have a wonderful day.                        


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