Production Blog: Selecting Music for the Opening Sequence

 Hello everyone, we are back again with our vlog and as you all may know me and my group are currently working on our final task. Today we will be discussing what song we will use for the beggining of our thriller. As discussing with my group we decided to use two different types of music. The only issue that came with those selections is being able to bridge them together. We want our opening sequence to be nice and smooth and not unpleasing. So the first type of music that will be used is more of an upbeat, happy and overall teenager sound which will be played in the car. The second type of music that is going to be used is more suspensful and spooky to create tension and emotion for the audience. These two types of music are complete opposites which will have some difficulites including them into our opening sequence. As a group we tried to look at some opening sequences in certain movies to see how they implemented our idea. Unfortunately, we didn't encounter any similiar ideas so we had to brainstorm. We came to a conclusion that we will use the upbeat song in the first couple of scenes where we are getting ready and grabbing the bags and putting it into car. The more suspensful sound will begin in the last couple of scenes where it starts getting dark and the storm starts rolling in. This idea is amazing since we want to start off the opening scene in a joyful mood and then transition into a more suspense and eerie type of mood to be able to bring the most of the audiences emotion. We are still in the proccess in deciding where we're going to find the suspensful sound. We will most likely research in YouTube or in movies. The upbeat sound could be found in one of our playlist on Spotify or Apple music. We are still trying to capture more ideas that we can implement in our opening sequence. But by far this was one of the best ideas we had yet. I hope once we insert this into the our opening sequence it will sound as good as it seems. Well this is the end of todays Blog, thank you all for sticking around. Have a wonderfull day and see ya'll next time.


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