Title Research: Twister

In the film twister there is a minimal amount of titles presented during the title scene they display the Warner Brothers logo and the studio its produced by with no mentions to the directors or any of the cast and the last title displayed is the title of the movie itself.

The images prioritized during the title sequence is the background where the title is displayed. In the background there are thick storm clouds covering the entire screen. These storm clouds are dark and have lightning bolts and flashes showing a thick and heavy storm. There was also debris flying all around the screen showing the impact of a tornado.

The film twister sets the genre by using thick black font getting swiped and thrown away by the wind with intense music similar to that in action movies. These conventions are very common amongst thriller movies aiming to create a sense of fear and adrenaline in the audience. I aim to use the font animations in my film to make the film appear scarier and more ominous. 


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