Genre Research: Action

  • Common Camera Angles, Shots and Movements: High and Low angle, Birds Eye Views, Tracking Shots, Side Views, Establishing Shots
  • Common Mis-En-Scene: Occasional comedy, Large and intricate movie sets (they get destroyed), Abundance of creative prop usage to create fake glass and prop weapons, Intense usage of costumes to differentiate background characters from main characters, Use of lighting to create tense feelings in audience (flashing lights, dim lights)
  • Common Editing: Jump Cuts, Cuts, Fade Aways, Cross Cuts, Dissolve, Inserts
  • Common Sounds:  Dialogue, Intense music leaving audience on edge of their seats, Sound Bridges, Ambient Sounds to immerse audience
  • Examples of movies: Bullet Train, The Gray Man, Ghosted, The John Wick Series
  • Elements of the Genre that I like: There's a lot of freedom in the action genre and there's loads of possibility to use different film aspects to drastically change the "action" in your film. Action movies are extremely entertaining and can have audiences glued to the screen if done correctly. Action movies are very thrilling and suspenseful and never have dull moments. Action movies an have an emphasis on the actors allowing more improvisation and creativity
  • Elements of Genre that I dislike: Action movies can become repetitive and boring if done poorly. Action movies rely on expensive budgets to create appealing scenes and eye catching visuals which makes them very difficult to recreate. Action movies can become very cliche and cringy if done poorly


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