Production blog: First day filming

Hey bloggers, we are back again and we finally started filming. As we've been preparing for this video for weeks now and gathering equipment. We had everything set up for this day to finally start recording. We filmed at Constanza's house as it was the perfect enviorment to make the video. I arrived at Constanza's house and we went to go pick up her two little sisters to participate as one of the characters in the video. As we came back from picking the girls up, enzo arrived. Joao didn't come because he only need to be used in the second part of the video. So we prepared everything, got the girls dressed, got enzo dressed and began Enzo was playing as the dad, the younger sister was playing as the 7 year old, the middle sister was playing as the older version of the girl and Constanza was playing the older version as the girl is growing up with her dog. To begin with, we tried setting up the dog to stay with the girl on the leash and walk forward and we just couldn't. The dog was so energetic and wouldn't stop running around so we tried different methods to get his attention. So as Enzo (the dad) walks with the little girl (daughter) I was outside of the camera calling the dog and we finally got him to walk normally. We finised the first clip and moved to the next one. The next clip included me which I was acting as the neighbor. As the dad and the daughter walked towards the house I waved at them as I was opening the mailbox. After that scene we went back inside and recorded the little girl with the dog. We used dog treats and dog toys to keep the dog in place. We took shots outside her backyard to develop more sentimental connections between the dog and the little girl. After we finally reached the final scene we used the older girl (Constanzas older sister) as she was leaving for school and saying bye to her dad. We did this to show the girl aging with the dog as we transitioned between the younger sister, middle sister, and Constanza the older sister. This was perfect and it fit perfectly into the dialogue of the music video. Alright bloggers that is all for today, I will be explaining the other half of the video next blog. Have a wonderful day everyone!!


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