Production Blog

Hello everyone! Today I will be walking through the process of producing my commercial. I'll start by outlining the steps that led to each decision I made for the production and the reasons for those decisions. In my previous blog, I mentioned that I would be using Cap Cut. However, I did further research and many people were telling me about iMovie. I heard that it is free to use and it includes many different tools for editing, capturing, and adding background music. The only issue is that I have no experience in iMovie while on the contrary, I've used Cap Cut in the past and I'm comfortable with it. Last year, I had a class called AICE PE, which inquired video editing. The app that our teacher recommended was Cap Cut as it allows easy editing and a quick technological process. Throughout the experience of using Cap Cut, I found it extremely useful and I finished my assignment for that class in no time. I hope to learn about new technological advancements to speed up my process and become a better producer overall. Furthermore, my final decision will be Cap Cut because of the fact that I am already familiar with it and I would waste a significant amount of time on learning how to use iMovie. I also never had a problem using Cap Cut, its self explanatory and it provides you everything that you need. Additionally, I will be inserting my photos and vidoes into Cap Cut. There will be transitions in between each photo or video with the background music playing. Thankfully, the editing program provides all of the tools I need, making everything quick and simple. Another feauture that Cap Cut provides which would help my commercial stand out is the effects section. As a vital component of my commercial, this was a challenging decision, but I am incredibly satisfied with my selection. Hopefully everything will turn out as planned. Thank you everyone and I will see you in my next blog!


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