Production Blog: Finishing Filming for our Opening Sequence

Hello bloggers, were back again and I can finally say we are done filming. Last blog I discussed our first part of the filming which came with some complications. Well the second part was far more challenging and diffcult than the second one. We had to consider how the weather was looking like, our schedules, pick the right location, etc. The right day had to be selected carefully since we need a day with clouds but no rain. Luckily, we checked the weather and encountered a perfect day for filming. That same day we met at Constanza's house and we waited until in got a little dark. When we were on the way to the park we decided to add an extra scene of us happy and dancing to some music in the car. Once we got there we selected a perfect area to put our stuff down and began filming right away. Now before we started filming we setup some rules and boundaries so we could all be safe. The first rule was to not go more than 100 meters from each other since we are in the woods and its super dark. The second rule was to keep our phones with us at all times if we do get lost. The last and most important rule was, be aware of your surroundings especially when it comes to plants and any certain type of insects. After all the boundaries has been set we went straight to filming. We were all very skeptical and shaky about recording in the woods but it ended up coming out really good. It took a while to film this since there was multiple retakes but we tried to speed up the proccess since we wanted to leave as soon as possible. We got all the scenes in a good amount of time which was better than what I expected. The opening sequence was finally complete and I am extremely proud of myself and of course my group. Overall the opening sequence came out amazing. It came with a lot of complications but that didn't stop us. Now all we need to do is edit and put everything together which will be done in the next couple of blogs. Thank you bloggers for taking the time out of your day to read this. I hope yall have an amazing day see yall next time. 


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